8.7 Vibration Suppression8.7.1 Outline8-288.7 Vibration SuppressionThis section describes vibration suppression.8.7.1 OutlineYou can use vibration suppression to suppress transient vibration at a low frequency from 1 Hzto 100 Hz, which is generated mainly when the machine vibrates during positioning. This iseffective for vibration frequencies for which notch filters and anti-resonance control adjustmentare not effective.To execute vibration suppression, input an operation reference and execute the function whenthere is vibration.Perform custom tuning if required to increase the response after performing vibration suppres-sion.Items That Influence PerformanceIf continuous vibration occurs while the Servomotor is stopping, vibration suppression cannotbe used to suppress the vibration effectively. In this case, use anti-resonance control adjust-ment or custom tuning.Detection of Vibration FrequenciesFrequency detection may not be possible if vibration does not appear in the position deviationor the vibration that results from the position deviation is too small. You can adjust the detec-tion sensitivity by changing the setting of the residual vibration detection width (Pn560), whichis set as a percentage of the positioning completed width (PnB2D). Perform the detection ofvibration frequencies again after adjusting the setting of Pn560.Note: As a guideline, change the setting 10% at a time. If the setting of this parameter is lowered, the detectionsensitivity will be increased. Vibration may not be detected accurately if the setting is too small.CAUTION Related parameters will be set automatically when vibration suppression is executed. Thismay greatly affect the response before and after execution. To ensure safety, make sure thatyou can perform an emergency stop at any time. Before you execute vibration suppression, set the correct moment of inertia ratio (Pn103). Ifthe setting greatly differs from the actual moment of inertia ratio, normal control of themachine may not be possible, and vibration may occur.• Vibration suppression detects vibration frequencies between 1 Hz and 100 Hz.• Frequency detection will not be performed if there is no vibration in the position deviation or ifthe vibration frequency is outside the range of detectable frequencies. If that is a problem, usea device such as a displacement meter or vibration sensor to measure the vibration frequency.• If an automatically detected vibration frequency is not suppressed, the actual frequency andthe detected frequency may be different. Fine-tune the detected frequency if necessary.Pn560Residual Vibration Detection WidthSetting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification1 to 3,000 0.1% 400 Immediately SetupThe vibration frequencies that are automatically detected may vary somewhat with each posi-tioning operation. Perform positioning several times and make adjustments while checkingthe effect of vibration suppression.ImportantInformation