10.1 Alarm and Warning Displays10.1.3 Troubleshooting Alarms10-6A.030:Main CircuitDetector ErrorA failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. −The SERVOPACK maybe faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.−A.040:ParameterSetting Error(A parametersetting is out-side of thesetting range.)The SERVOPACK andServomotor capacitiesdo not match eachother.Check the combination ofthe SERVOPACK andServomotor capacities.Select a proper combi-nation of SERVOPACKand Servomotor capaci-ties.−A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. −The SERVOPACK maybe faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.−A parameter setting isoutside of the settingrange.Check the setting rangesof the parameters thathave been changed.Set the parameters tovalues within the set-ting ranges.−The electronic gearratio is outside of thesetting range.Check the electronic gearratio. The ratio must bewithin the following range:0.01 < (Pn20E/Pn210) <100.Set the electronic gearratio in the followingrange: 0.01 < (Pn20E/Pn210) < 100.page 5-24An unsupported Servo-motor was selected inthe parameters.Check the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Set Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch) cor-rectly.−A.042:ParameterCombinationErrorThe speed of programjog operation wentbelow the setting rangewhen the electronicgear ratio (Pn20E/Pn210) or the Servo-motor was changed.Check to see if the detec-tion conditions* are satis-fied.Decrease the setting ofthe electronic gear ratio(Pn20E/Pn210).page 5-24The speed of programjog operation wentbelow the setting rangewhen Pn533 (ProgramJog Speed) waschanged.Check to see if the detec-tion conditions* are satis-fied.Increase the setting ofPn533. page 6-6A.04A:Parameter Set-ting Error 2The /START and/STOP signals are allo-cated to the same pinwith the same polarity.Check the settings of theparameters that allocatethe /START and /STOPsignals (PnBA1 andPnBA2).Change the allocationsof the /START and/STOP signals.page 5-10The /DEC signal is allo-cated to a pin otherthan CN1-3 to CN1-9or CN1-12.Check the setting of theparameter that allocatesthe /DEC signal (PnBB2).Allocate the /DEC signalto CN1-3 to CN1-9 orCN1-12.page 5-12A.050:CombinationErrorA Servomotor with anunsupported capacityis selected in theparameters.Check the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Set Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch) cor-rectly.−A.051:UnsupportedDevice AlarmAn unsupported Servo-motor was selected inthe parameters.Check the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Set Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch) cor-rectly.−A.0B0:Invalid SERVOON CommandAlarmThe /S-ON (SERVOON) signal was inputfrom the host controllerafter a SigmaWin+function that suppliespower to the Servomo-tor was executed.−Turn the power supplyto the SERVOPACKOFF and ON again. Or,execute a softwarereset.page 5-30Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation CorrectionReferenceforCorrection