5.3 Sequence I/O Signals5.3.2 Output Signals5-155 Setup/S-RDY (Servo Ready Output) SignalThis signal indicates when the Servomotor is ready to receive the /S-ON (SERVO ON Input) sig-nal.The /S-RDY signal is turned ON under the following conditions.• The power supply is ON.• There are no alarms.• Emergency stop status does not exist.Note: You must allocate the /S-RDY signal to use it. Use PnBCB = n.X (/S-RDY (Servo Ready) Signal Alloca-tion) to allocate the signal to a connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20/CLT (Torque Limit Status Output) SignalThis signal indicates whether the motor output torque is being limited.Note: You must allocate the /CLT signal to use it. Use PnBCC = n.X (/CLT (Torque Limit Status Output) SignalAllocation) to allocate the signal to a connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20/TGON (Rotation Detection Output) SignalThis signal indicates that the Servomotor is operating.This signal is output when the Servomotor rotates at the setting of Pn502 (Rotation DetectionLevel) or faster.Note: You must allocate the /TGON signal to use it. Use PnBCD = n.X (/TGON (Rotation Detection Output)Signal Allocation) to allocate the signal to a connector pin. Refer to the following section for details.5.3.4 Allocating Output Signals to Pins and Parameter Settings on page 5-20 Setting the Rotation Detection LevelUse the following parameter to set the speed detection level at which to output the /TGON sig-nal./NEAR (Near Output) SignalThis signal indicates when the motor position is close to the completion of positioning.The host controller receives the /NEAR signal before it receives the /INPOSITION (PositioningCompletion) signal so it can start preparations for the operating sequence to use after position-ing has been completed. This allows you to reduce the time required for operation when posi-tioning is completed.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /S-RDY Must be allocated.ON (closed) Ready to receive the /S-ON (SERVO ON) sig-nal.OFF (open) Not ready to receive the /S-ON (SERVO ON)signal.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /CLT Must be allocated.ON (closed) The motor output torque is beinglimited.OFF (open) The motor output torque is notbeing limited.Type Signal Pin Signal Status MeaningOutput /TGON Must be allocated.ON (closed) The Servomotor is operating at the setting ofPn502 or faster.OFF (open) The Servomotor is operating at a speed that isslower than the setting of Pn502.Pn502Rotation Detection LevelSetting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification1 to 10,000 1 min -1 30 Immediately Setup