10.2 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servo Drive10-22Motor VibrationThe servo gains are notbalanced.Check to see if the servogains have been cor-rectly tuned.Execute custom tuning. page 8-15The setting of Pn100(Speed Loop Gain) is toohigh.Check the setting ofPn100. The default set-ting is Kv = 40.0 Hz.Set Pn100 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn102(Position Loop Gain) istoo high.Check the setting ofPn102. The default set-ting is Kp = 40.0/s.Set Pn102 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn101(Speed Loop IntegralTime Constant) is notappropriate.Check the setting ofPn101. The default set-ting is Ti = 20.0 ms.Set Pn101 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn103(Moment of Inertia Ratio)is not appropriate.Check Pn103 (Momentof Inertia Ratio).Set Pn103 (Moment ofInertia Ratio) to anappropriate value.−Large MotorSpeedOvershoot onStarting andStoppingThe servo gains are notbalanced.Check to see if the servogains have been cor-rectly tuned.Execute custom tuning. page 8-15The setting of Pn100(Speed Loop Gain) is toohigh.Check the setting ofPn100. The default set-ting is Kv = 40.0 Hz.Set Pn100 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn102(Position Loop Gain) istoo high.Check the setting ofPn102. The default set-ting is Kp = 40.0/s.Set Pn102 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn101(Speed Loop IntegralTime Constant) is notappropriate.Check the setting ofPn101. The default set-ting is Ti = 20.0 ms.Set Pn101 to an appro-priate value. −The setting of Pn103(Moment of Inertia Ratio)is not appropriate.Check Pn103 (Momentof Inertia Ratio).Set Pn103 (Moment ofInertia Ratio) to anappropriate value.−PositionDeviation(without Alarm)The Encoder Cable doesnot satisfy specifications.Check the EncoderCable to see if it satisfiesspecifications.Use cables that satisfythe specifications. −There is excessive exter-nal noise interference onthe Encoder Cable.Check to see if theEncoder Cable is bun-dled with a high-currentline or installed near ahigh-current line. Checkto see if there is noiseinterference on the signalline from the encoder.Correct the cable layoutso that no surge isapplied by high-currentlines. Take measures toprevent noise interfer-ence from the signal lineson the encoder cable.−There is variation in theFG potential because ofthe influence ofmachines on the Servo-motor side, such as awelder.Check to see if themachines are correctlygrounded.Properly ground themachines to separatethem from the FG of theencoder.−The encoder was sub-jected to excessivevibration or shock.Check to see if vibrationfrom the machineoccurred. Check the Ser-vomotor installation(mounting surface preci-sion, securing state, andalignment).Reduce machine vibra-tion. Or, improve themounting conditions ofthe Servomotor.−The coupling betweenthe machine and Servo-motor is not suitable.Check to see if positionoffset occurs at the cou-pling between machineand Servomotor.Correctly secure the cou-pling between themachine and Servomo-tor.−Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Problem Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Reference