10.3 Inspections and Guideline for Product Replacement Period10.3.1 Inspections10-2410.3 Inspections and Guideline for Product Replacement PeriodThis section describes inspections and the product replacement period for the SERVOPACK.10.3.1 InspectionsPerform the inspections given in the following table at least once every year for the SERVO-PACK. Daily inspections are not required.10.3.2 Guideline for Product Replacement PeriodThe electric and electronic parts in the SERVOPACK are subject to deterioration over time.Replace the SERVOPACK using the following part service life as a guideline.Item Frequency Inspection CorrectionExternalAppearanceAt least once ayearCheck for dust, dirt, and oil on thesurfaces.To clean the SERVOPACK, usecompressed air or another meansthat will not create static electric-ity.Part Guidelines for PartService Lives RemarksElectrolyticCapacitor 5 yearsThe standard replacement periods given on the left arefor the following operating conditions.• Surrounding air temperature: Annual average of 30°C• Load ratio: 80% max.• Operation rate: 20 hours/day max.