6.4 Convenient Function to Use during Trial Operation6.4.2 Origin Search6-106.4.2 Origin SearchAn origin search is performed to position the motor to the encoder origin (phase C). Use an ori-gin search when it is necessary to align the encoder origin (phase C) with the machine origin.When an origin search is performed, the motor rotates for one rotation or less at 60 min -1 .PreparationsConfirm the following conditions before you start an origin search.• The parameters must not be write prohibited.• The power supply must be ON.• There must be no alarms.• The system must be in the SERVO OFF state.• Emergency stop status must not exist.• The motor code of the Servomotor to use must be set in Pn08A (Motor Selection Switch).Operating ProcedureUse the following procedure.1. Select Setup - Origin Search from the menu bar of the Main Window of the SigmaWin+.The Origin Search Dialog Box will be displayed.2. Read the warnings and then click the OK Button.CAUTION For an origin search, the motor will rotate until the origin is detected. Make sure that theload is not coupled when you execute an origin search.To align the encoder origin (phase C) with the machine originServomotor Machine