5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)5.1.1 Parameter Classification5-35 Setup5.1 Manipulating Parameters (Pn)This section describes the classifications, notation, and setting methods for the parametersgiven in this manual.5.1.1 Parameter ClassificationThere are the following two types of SERVOPACK parameters.The setting method for each type of parameter is described below.Setup ParametersYou can use the SigmaWin+ to set the setup parameters individually.Tuning ParametersNormally the user does not need to set the tuning parameters individually.Use the various SigmaWin+ tuning functions to set the related tuning parameters to increasethe response even further for the conditions of your machine. Refer to the following sections fordetails.8.5 Custom Tuning on page 8-15You can also set the tuning parameters individually to make adjustments. Refer to the followingsection for details.8.8 Manual Tuning on page 8-32Classification MeaningSetup Parameters Parameters for the basic settings that are required for operation.Tuning Parameters Parameters that are used to adjust servo performance.