5.4 Settings That Must Be Adjusted to the System5.4.2 Electronic Gear Settings5-24The difference between using and not using the electronic gear is shown below.In this example, the following machine configuration is used to move the workpiece 10 mm.Electronic Gear Ratio SettingsSet the electronic gear ratio using Pn20E and Pn210. Calculating the Settings for the Electronic Gear RatioIf the gear ratio between the Servomotor shaft and the load is given as n/m, where n is thenumber of load rotations for m Servomotor shaft rotations, the settings for the electronic gearratio can be calculated as follows: Encoder ResolutionYou can check the encoder resolution in the Servomotor model number.Set the electronic gear ratio within the following range.0.01 ≤ Electronic gear ratio (B/A) ≤ 100If the electronic gear ratio is outside of this range, an A.040 alarm (Parameter Setting Error) willoccur.Pn20EElectronic Gear Ratio (Numerator)Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification1 to 65,535 1 1 After restart SetupPn210Electronic Gear Ratio (Denominator)Setting Range Setting Unit Default Setting When Enabled Classification1 to 65,535 1 1 After restart SetupBall screw lead:6 mmWorkpieceResolution:1,024 (10 bits)If you do not use the electronic gear,you must calculate the number ofreference pulses for each reference.If you use the electronic gear, it is not necessaryto calculate the number of reference pulses foreach reference.To move a workpiece 10 mm:Calculate the number of revolu-tions.The motor will move 6 mm for eachrevolution, so 10/6 revolutions arerequired to move 10 mm.Calculate the required number ofreference pulses.One revolution is 1,024 pulses,therefore10/6 × 1,024 = 1,706.66 pulses.Input 1,707 pulses as the refer-ence.If you use reference units to move the work-piece when one reference unit is set to 20μm, the travel distance is 20 μm per pulse.To move the workpiece 10 mm (10,000μm), 10,000 ÷ 20 = 500 pulses, so 500pulses would be input.Important= = ×BAPn20EPn210mnElectronic gear ratio Encoder resolutionTravel distance per load shaft revolution (reference units)SGMSL -Code Specification Encoder ResolutionK 10-bit incremental encoder 1,024