10.2 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servo Drive10-2110 MaintenanceServomotorMovesInstanta-neously andThen Stops, orOperation IsNot StableThere is a mistake in theServomotor wiring. Check the wiring. Wire the Servomotorcorrectly. −There is a mistake in theencoder wiring. Check the wiring. Wire the encoder cor-rectly. −The model of Servomo-tor that is being useddoes not agree with thesetting of Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch).Check the model of Ser-vomotor that is beingused and the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Make sure that themodel of Servomotorthat is being used agreeswith the setting of Pn08A(Motor Selection Switch).page 5-9There is a faulty connec-tion in the Servomotorwiring.The connector connec-tions for the power wires(U, V, and W phases) andthe encoder may beunstable. Check the wir-ing.• Insert connectors firmlyuntil the lock mecha-nisms lock into place.• Tighten any loose con-nectors and correct thewiring.−ServomotorMoves withouta ReferenceInputA failure occurred in theSERVOPACK. − Replace the SERVO-PACK. −AbnormalNoise fromServomotorThe machine mounting isnot secure.Check to see if there areany loose mountingscrews.Tighten the mountingscrews. −The machine mounting isnot secure.Check to see if there ismisalignment in the cou-pling.Align the coupling. −Check to see if the cou-pling is balanced. Balance the coupling. −The bearings are defec-tive.Check for noise andvibration around thebearings.Replace the Servomotor. −There is a vibrationsource at the drivenmachine.Check for any foreignmatter, damage, ordeformation in themachine’s moving parts.Consult with the machinemanufacturer. −The Encoder Cable doesnot satisfy specifications.Check the EncoderCable to see if it satisfiesspecifications.Use cables that satisfythe specifications. −There is excessive exter-nal noise interference onthe Encoder Cable.Check to see if theEncoder Cable is bun-dled with a high-currentline or installed near ahigh-current line. Checkto see if there is noiseinterference on the signalline from the encoder.Correct the cable layoutso that no surge isapplied by high-currentlines. Take measures toprevent noise interfer-ence from the signal lineson the encoder cable.−There is variation in theFG potential because ofthe influence ofmachines on the Servo-motor side, such as awelder.Check to see if themachines are correctlygrounded.Properly ground themachines to separatethem from the FG of theencoder.−The encoder was sub-jected to excessivevibration or shock.Check to see if vibrationfrom the machineoccurred. Check the Ser-vomotor installation(mounting surface preci-sion, securing state, andalignment).Reduce machine vibra-tion. Improve the mount-ing conditions of theServomotor.−A failure occurred in theencoder. − Replace the Servomotor. −Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Problem Possible Cause Confirmation Correction Reference