10.2 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servo Drive10-2010.2 Troubleshooting Based on the Operation and Conditions of the Servo DriveThis section provides troubleshooting based on the operation and conditions of the ServoDrive, including causes and corrections.Turn OFF the Servo System before troubleshooting the items shown in bold lines in the table.Problem Possible Cause Confirmation Correction ReferenceServomotorDoes Not StartThe power supply is notturned ON.Measure the voltagebetween the power sup-ply input terminals.Correct the wiring so thatthe power supply isturned ON.−The I/O signal connector(CN1) pins are not wiredcorrectly or are discon-nected.Check the wiring condi-tion of the I/O signal con-nector (CN1) pins.Correct the wiring of theI/O signal connector(CN1) pins.page 4-14The wiring for the Servo-motor Power Cables orEncoder Cable is discon-nected.Check the wiring condi-tions.Wire the Serial Con-verter Unit correctly. −There is an overload onthe Servomotor.Operate the Servomotorwith no load and checkthe load status.Reduce the load orreplace the Servomotorwith a Servomotor with alarger capacity.−The model of Servomo-tor that is being useddoes not agree with thesetting of Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch).Check the model of Ser-vomotor that is beingused and the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Make sure that themodel of Servomotorthat is being used agreeswith the setting of Pn08A(Motor Selection Switch).page 5-9• The input signals(/START, /SEL, etc,)are not being input cor-rectly.• The programming reg-istered in the programtable is not correct.Check the contents ofthe program table.• Correctly allocate theinput signals (/START,/SEL, etc,).• Correct the contents ofthe program table.page 5-10There is a mistake in theinput signal allocations(PnBA0 to PnBB8).Check the input signalallocations (PnBA0 toPnBB8).Correctly allocate theinput signals (PnBA0 toPnBB8).page 5-10The /S-ON (SERVO ON)signal is OFF.Check the setting ofPnBAF = n.XX (allo-cation of /S-ON signal).Set PnBAF = n.XXcorrectly and turn ON the/S-ON signal.page 5-12The E-STP (EmergencyStop Input) signal is stillOFF.• Check the E-STP sig-nal.• Check the E-STPS sig-nal.• Turn ON the E-STP sig-nal.• If you will not useemergency stops, setPnBB8 to n.3.(Always disable emer-gency stops.)−The current position ofthe Servomotor isbeyond one of the soft-ware limits.• Check the currentposition of the Servo-motor and the settingsof the software limitparameters (PnB20,PnB21, and PnB23).• Check the ALM indica-tor in the operating sta-tus indicators.• Check the error num-ber on the MotionMonitor Window of theSigmaWin+.Move the Servomotor towithin the software limits. −The Servomotor hasfailed. − Replace the Servomotor. −Continued on next page.