7.3 Program Table Operation7.3.6 SigmaWin+ Procedures7-22 Program Table Editing Dialog BoxNo. Item Description Program tableediting cellsUsed to edit the program table. The colors of the cells change as follows:White: The values in SERVOPACK RAM is the same as the value in the Sig-maWin+ table cells.Green: If any changes are made, the rows that include the changes change togreen. When you write the changes, the cells change to white.Red: If there is a setting error, the row is displayed in red. The Write Button willbe disabled.Refer to the following section for the table cell editing procedures. Editing Procedures on page 7-23 Save Button Saves the program table currently displayed on the SigmaWin+ in a file on thecomputer. Print Button Used to print the program table. Station split But-tonSplits the valid coordinate range (i.e., the range defined by PnB21 to PnB23) intoequal intervals and sets the resulting positions in the program table. Import Button Imports a file on the computer to a program table in SigmaWin+. Comment Button Lets you enter a comment for the program table. The comment is also savedwhen you click the Save Button. Initialize Button Initializes the flash memory for the program table in the SERVOPACK and restoresthe default settings. Save ButtonSaves the program table in RAM in the SERVOPACK to flash memory. If you savethe program table to flash memory, it will not be lost even if you turn OFF thepower supply. The next time you turn ON the power supply, the program table willbe written to RAM. Read Button Reads the program table in RAM in the SERVOPACK to the SigmaWin+. Write ButtonWrites the program table currently displayed on the SigmaWin+ to the SERVO-PACK. The program table is written only to RAM. Writing the program tableenables program operation.