11.1 List of Parameters11.1.2 List of Parameters11-511 Parameter ListPn143 2Model FollowingControl Bias in theForward Direction0 to 10,000 0.1% 1000 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn144 2Model FollowingControl Bias in theReverse Direction0 to 10,000 0.1% 1000 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn145 2Vibration Sup-pression 1Frequency A10 to 2,500 0.1 Hz 500 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn146 2Vibration Sup-pression 1Frequency B10 to 2,500 0.1 Hz 700 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn147 2Model FollowingControl SpeedFeedforwardCompensation0 to 10,000 0.1% 1000 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn1602Anti-ResonanceControl-RelatedSelections0000h to0011h − 0010h Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn161 2 Anti-ResonanceFrequency10 to20,000 0.1 Hz 1000 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn163 2 Anti-ResonanceDamping Gain 0 to 300 1% 0 Immedi-ately Tuning −Pn200 2Reservedparameter(Do not change.)0000h to2236h − 0000h Afterrestart Setup −Pn2072Position ControlFunctionSelections0000h to2210h − 0010h Afterrestart Setup −Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.ParameterNo. Size Name SettingRangeSettingUnitDefaultSettingWhenEnabledClassi-fication Referencen.X Anti-Resonance Control Selection0 Do not use anti-resonance control.1 Use anti-resonance control.n.X Anti-Resonance Control Adjustment Selection Reference0 Do not adjust the anti-resonance control automatically during execu-tion of custom tuning. page 8-211 Adjust the anti-resonance control automatically during execution ofcustom tuning.n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X Reserved parameter (Do not change.)n.X /INPOSITION Output Timing0 Output the /INPOSITION signal when the absolute value of the position deviation isthe same or less than the setting of PnB2D (Positioning Completed Width).1 Reserved parameter2Output the /INPOSITION signal when the absolute value of the position deviation isthe same or less than the setting of PnB2D (Positioning Completed Width) and thereference input is 0.