10.1 Alarm and Warning Displays10.1.3 Troubleshooting Alarms10-910 MaintenanceA.710:InstantaneousOverloadA.720:ContinuousOverloadThe wiring is not cor-rect or there is a faultycontact in the motor orencoder wiring.Check the wiring.Make sure that the Ser-vomotor and encoderare correctly wired.page 4-11Operation was per-formed that exceededthe overload protec-tion characteristics.Check the motor overloadcharacteristics and Runcommand.Reconsider the loadand operating condi-tions. Or, increase themotor capacity.−An excessive load wasapplied during opera-tion because the Ser-vomotor was notdriven due to mechani-cal problems.Check the operation refer-ence and motor speed.Correct the mechanicalproblem. −A failure occurred inthe SERVOPACK. −The SERVOPACK maybe faulty. Replace theSERVOPACK.−An unsupported Servo-motor was selected inthe parameters.Check the setting ofPn08A (Motor SelectionSwitch).Set Pn08A (MotorSelection Switch) cor-rectly.−Continued on next page.Continued from previous page.Alarm Number:Alarm Name Possible Cause Confirmation CorrectionReferenceforCorrection