14ACTIVATION CHARTCHOOSE LANGUAGE TROUBLESHOOTINGDisplay Reads: Use ARROW keys to scroll to desired lan-guage. Press ENTER to select.If the wrong language is chosen, it can bechanged later using the “edit” menu.Display Reads: Press ENTER to begin the activation pro-cess.If ESCAPE is pressed instead of ENTER,your generator will only run in manual mode(for test purposes) and NOT ACTIVATED willbe displayed. You will need to remove thegenerator control panel fuse and disconnectthe T1, N1, N2 connector in the externalconnection box (if equipped), or disconnectutility input (main breaker) to the transferswitch for 3-5 seconds and reconnect. Thenbegin with Step 1.Display Reads: If you do not have your activation code,go to www.activategen.com or call1-888-9ACTIVATE (922-8482).If you already have your activation code,wait 3-5 seconds for the next display.ENTER ACTIVATION CODE (Passcode) TROUBLESHOOTINGDisplay Reads: Use ARROW keys to scroll and find the firstnumber of your Activation Code.Press ENTER to select.Repeat this step until all digits have beenentered.Use ESCAPE to correct previous digits.Display Reads: Activation is complete when all digits areentered above and your screen shows thisdisplay.Follow the controller prompts to continuesetting the time function. Refer to yourOwner’s Manual with questions.What happens if “Wrong Passcode TryAgain” appears?Reenter the activation code. If a secondattempt is unsuccessful, check the numberagainst the code given on activategen.com.If it is correct and the generator will notaccept it, contact 1-888-9ACTIVATE (922-8482).“SELECT HOUR (0-23)”“- +”6Escape EnterSerial 123456789Passcode XXXXX +/-Escape EnterTo Activate go towww.activategen.comEscape EnterActivate me (ENT) orESC to run in manualEscape EnterLanguage- English +Escape EnterPost Installation Start-up and Adjustments