28Maintenance4.13 SERVICE SCHEDULEATTENTION: It is recommended that all service workbe performed by the nearest Dealer.SYSTEM/COMPONENT PROCEDURE FREQUENCYX = ActionR = Replace as Necessary* = Notify Dealer if Repair isNeeded.Inspect Change CleanW = WeeklyM = MonthlyY = YearlyFUELFuel lines and connections* X MLUBRICATIONOil level X M or 24 hours ofcontinuous operation.Oil X 2Y or 200 hoursof operation.**Oil filter X 2Y or 200 hoursof operation.**COOLINGEnclosure louvers X X WBATTERYRemove corrosion, ensuredrynessX X MClean and tighten batteryterminalsX X MCheck charge state X R EVERY 6 MElectrolyte level X R EVERY 6 MENGINE AND MOUNTINGAir cleaner X R 2Y or 500 hours***Spark plug(s) X R 2Y or 500 hoursGENERAL CONDITIONVibration, Noise, Leakage, Temperature* X MCOMPLETE TUNE-UP* TO BE COMPLETED BY A DEALER 2Y or 200 hours* Contact the nearest dealer for assistance if necessary.** Change oil and filter after first eight (8) hours of operation and then every 200 hours thereafter, or 2 years, whichever occurs first. Changesooner when operating under a heavy load or in a dusty or dirty environment or in high ambient temperatures.*** Inspect and clean more frequently when operating in a dusty or dirty environment.