LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Acquire Menu Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-49Delete a microscope configurationA no longer required microscope configuration can be deleted as follows:• Select the microscope configuration to be deleted from the microscope configuration list box.• Click on the Delete button.• Click on the Close button to close the microscope window.Assignment of a microscope configuration to a buttonA microscope configuration can be assigned to a button as follows:• Click on the Assign button.• This opens the Assign-Microscope-Settings-To-Button window.• Click on the arrow in the Button list box and select a button out of the list.With increasing numbers the buttons are arranged from the upper to the lower row from left-hand side to right-hand side.• Click on the arrow in the Settings list box and select a microscope configuration.• Click on the Apply button. A new button with the name of the selected microscope configuration hasbeen created.• Click on the Close button to close the Assign-Microscope-Settings-To-Button window.• Click on the Close button to close the microscope window.Conventional setting of the microscope Axiovert 200 MFor the conventional setting of the Axiovert 200 M, proceed as follows:• Click on the VIS button in the Acquire subordinate toolbar.• Place specimen on microscope stage.− The cover slip must be facing down.• In the Objective list box, select the required objective.• Use the focusing drive (4-32/4) to focus the required specimen plane.• Select specimen detail by moving the stage in X and Y via the XY stage fine motion control (4-32/3and 2).