LSM 510 ToolsLSM 510 META Change Filters Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 6-196.2 Tools6.2.1 Change FiltersThe Change Filters tool is used to update thefilter data in the software after a change of filtersin the reflector turret.• Close the LSM 510 software program.• Insert the new filter module in the reflectorturret.• Double-click on the Change Filters icon on thedesktop.− The Emission Filter & Beam SplitterControl window appears on the screen. Thename of the currently used database isdisplayed in the System Database box, withthe filter type being indicated below forchecking purposes.− The Filter Cubes Stand panel shows theFilter-Wheel No. and the filter positionsavailable.− Use the Name and ID selection boxes toenter the filters installed in the individualpositions of the filter wheel.• Open the Name (or ID) selection box of the relevant filter position and select the new filter set fromthe list.• Click on the Store button to accept the new settings.• Click on the Close button to close the Emission Filter & Beam Splitter Control window.All available filter sets have to registered in the filter list (see Edit Filter List function, next page).Fig. 6-25 Emission Filters & Beam SplitterControl window