LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Options Menu Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-2234.9.5.13 Temporary FilesThe Temporary Files tab permits determination ofthe directory in which temporary files are stored.(1) Use "TEMP" environment variableTemporary files are stored in the TEMP standarddirectory of the computer's hard disk.(2) Use the following pathThe directory for temporary files can be selected byclicking on the ... button in the Choose Directorywindow. Program StartThe Program Start tab permits selection of a trackconfiguration via the Startup configurationselection box, which will be loaded automaticallywhen the Expert Mode is started.On activation of the Don't show logo checkbox, the initial screen with the Zeiss logo will notbe displayed after the start of the LSM 5 software. HardwareThe Hardware tab allows you to determine, byactivation of the Lasers off on Exit check box,that the lasers are automatically switched off whenthe LSM 5 software is exited.Allow lasers to cool for five minutes beforeswitching of the system.For systems with Axio Imager.Z1 with optionalLight Manager functionality, this functionality canbe switched on or off when using LSM byactivating or deactivating the check box.For systems equipped with an optional line selection filter in front of the Argon Multiline Laser the use ofthe filter wheel can be activated or deactivated by ticking the check box Use shutter filter wheel.Fig. 4-218 Temporary Files tabFig. 4-219 Program Start tabFig. 4-220 Hardware tab