LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Acquire Menu Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-127• Click on Start.− The overview frame is scanned and displayed on the screen in a new Image Display window.• Activate the Move To button.• In the tile scan image, move the target to the required spot of the frame (dragging with the mouse).− The microscope stage then travels to the selected position.Or:• Activate the Mark button.• Set a mark at the spot of interest by clicking with the mouse in the Tile scan image. A cross with theconsecutive number of the mark is displayed in the Tile Scan image. The new mark is also displayed inthe specimen carrier (Stage Position panel) and included in the Marks selection box.• Select the mark in the Marks selection box and click on the Move To button in the Stage Positionpanel. The stage moves to the selected position.• Then click on the Single button in the Scan Control window to scan the selected area as a singleimage.− The single image is scanned and displayed in a new Image Display window.Fig. 4-106 Image Display window of a Tile Scan