LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META 3D View Menu Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-171As the resolution of an optical system issignificantly lower in the axial direction than in thelateral (X/Y-)direction, the greatest improvement inresolution can be achieved in the Z-direction.The Z Stack must meet the following requirements:− At least two-fold oversampling in xyz (z: halfof optimal interval button)− High signal-to-noise ratio− Detector gain < 500 VCalculation is either made for one channel of theopened image which must first be selectedaccordingly, or for all channels of a stack.Calculation is started via Apply and can bestopped using the ESC key, if required. Open / Close the 3D DeconvolutionWindow• Click on the DCV button in the Processsubordinate toolbar of the Main menu.− This opens the 3D Deconvolution window.• Click on the Close button to quit the window.Fig. 4-165 Image of a fluorescent bead with adiameter of 1μm before deconvolution(A,B) and after deconvolution (C,D)Fig. 4-166 3D Deconvolution window