LSM 510 Routine ModeLSM 510 META Application of Examination Methods in … Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 6-7(b) Noise Reduction panelIn the Noise Reduction panel, the scan speedand, depending on it, the scan time can be influ-enced.The longer the scan time, the better the noisesuppression.• Use the Scan Speed slider to set the slowestacceptable Scan Time.Average Mode, Method and Number are takenover from the Expert Mode and displayed, but theycannot be edited.(c) Zoom, Orientation & Offset panelThe set zoom, rotation and offset values aredisplayed in the Zoom & Rotation panel.If the Crop function is used in the Image window,it can be deactivated again using the Resetbutton.• Click on the Reset button to deactivate theCrop function.(d) Excitation panelIn the Excitation panel, the wavelength used(Line Active check box), the relevant transmissionvalue (Transmission slider with input box) and theon / off laser status are displayed.The laser status display indicates whether the laserhas been switched on for the activated wavelength(green - on; gray - off).If required, further wavelengths can be activatedvia the Line Active check box.The laser setting is performed in the same way as in the Expert Mode (see chapter 4).If the laser required for the activated wavelength is not switched on, the relevant message will beprovided on the screen in a special window.• In such a case, open the Laser Control window by clicking on the Laser button and set the relevantlaser to On.Fig. 6-9 Noise Reduction panelFig. 6-10 Zoom & Orientation panelFig. 6-11 Excitation panel