LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Macro Menu Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-177(2) Recording panelBefore recording a command sequence, you can enter the name for the macro to be created in the RecName input box of the Recording panel.Start button: Starts recording.Cancel button: Cancels the recording procedure.Stop button: Stops recording.Edit On Stop: On stopping the recording procedure, the macro editor is automatically openedat the relevant position.Proceed as follows to record a macro:• Enter a name for the macro to be created under Rec Name in the Recording panel.• Click on the Start button to start recording the macro.• Then perform the operations to be stored, e.g.:− Click on the Find button in the Scan Control window. A Find scan will be performed.− Click on the New button in the Scan Control window. A new Image Display window will beopened.− Click on the Single button in the Scan Control window. A Single scan will be performed.• Then click on the Stop button to end the recording. (Cancel enables you to cancel recording)− If recording was successful, the entered Rec Name will then also be available in the Macros listbox of the Macro panel. The new macro is automatically assigned to the current project. It ispossible to assign as many macros as required to a project.• Click on the Save button to store the new macro.Fig. 4-174 Recording panel