3D FOR LSM LSM 510 DuoScanCarl Zeiss Functions LSM 510 META DuoScan7-38 B 45-0021 e 03/06If one or both input sequences are multichannel sequences, any number or combination can be selected.The number of selected channels for Input 1 and Input 2 must be the same. They will be combined fromleft to right.Parameters:Input 1 First input image sequenceInput 2 Second input image sequenceOutput Resulting image sequenceBoolean - XorThis function carries out a bit-by-bit Xor calculation for the images Input 1 and Input 2.Fig. 7-28The Xor option button of the Function option group in the Boolean dialog window must be selected.This function can be used to combine binary masks or regions.If one or both input sequences are multichannel sequences, any number or combination can be selected.The number of selected channels for Input 1 and Input 2 must be the same. They will be combined fromleft to right.Parameters:Input 1 First input image sequenceInput 2 Second input image sequenceOutput Resulting image sequence