OPERATION IN EXPERT MODE LSM 510 DuoScanCarl Zeiss Display and Analysis of Images LSM 510 META DuoScan4-296 B 45-0021 e 03/ Appearance (Settings)The Appearance button opens the 3D Renderingwindow.This window allows settings for Light, Material,Background and Projection properties to bedefined for all 3D projection modes.Depending on the selected 3D projection mode,different setting parameters are displayed.In the Shadow projection, the parameterRoughness is also available and can be setbetween 0 and 1.A default setting is permanently available for allmodes.If individual settings for 3D rendering are to beused again, they can be stored and loaded whenrequired.See also Show Processing Parameters,page 4-310.Proceed as follows to save individual settings:• Click on the Add to List button.• Enter a name in the opening Add ShadingModel to list window.• Click on OK.− The settings are saved and the entered nameappears in the Shading Model Listselection box.• To activate the settings, double-click on therelevant name in the Shading Model Listselection box.Settings which are no longer required can beremoved.• Select the name of the setting to be deletedwith a click of the mouse in the selection boxand then click on the Remove button.− The setting is deleted.Fig. 4-284 3D Rendering window (e.g. SurfaceAdvanced rendering mode)