LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Display and Analysis of Images Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-273(2) PSF tab (optional with 3D DCV)The objective data are displayed in the PSF tab. Inthe case of wavelengths above 700 nm, the NLObutton is automatically enabled.The displayed values are always taken over by thesystem data, but can be edited subsequently forsimulation purposes.• Select the required method and determine therelevant parameters.The deconvolution calculation is performedimmediately after the 2D Deconvolution windowhas been closed, and the image display is updated(on-line).4.13.18 Display - CutThis function allows to− display a Z Stack of images at a user definedsection plane (= cut plane)− improve the image of the section plane bytrilinear interpolationThe settings of Chan, Zoom, Slice, Contr andPalette are applied.• Clicking on the Cut button in the Displaytoolbar opens the Cut to the right of the ImageDisplay window.Any changes done with this toolbar areeffective immediately. The content of theoverlay plane is temporarily deleted while thetoolbar is displayed.• By varying the parameters X, Y, Z, Pitch andYaw, you can position a section plane of anyorientation within the stack volume.• The resulting position of the section plane isshown as a red area below the TrilinearInterpolation button. At the same time, theresult is shown in the Image Display window.• A click on the Reset All button restores theoriginal position.• A click on the Trilinear Interpolation buttonwill improve the quality of the image byperforming a 3D interpolation of the image.Fig. 4-268 PSF tabFig. 4-269 Image Display window, Cut display