OPERATION IN EXPERT MODE LSM 510 DuoScanCarl Zeiss Display and Analysis of Images LSM 510 META DuoScan4-318 B 45-0021 e 03/06Open Polyline button: Creation of an open polyline figure in the profile diagram. Displayof the length of the line figure. First click sets the starting point, any further click addsanother line, click with the right mouse button ends the procedure.Closed Polyline button: Creation of a closed polyline figure in the profile diagram.Display of the perimeter of the figure. First click sets the starting point, each further clickadds another line, a click with the right mouse button closes the figure and ends theprocedure.Open free-hand curve button: Creation of an open Bezier figure in the profile diagram.Display of the length of the line figure. First click sets the starting point, each further clickadds another line, a click with the right mouse button ends the procedure.Closed free-hand curve button: Creation of a closed Bezier figure in the profilediagram. Display of the length of the line figure. First click sets the starting point, eachfurther click adds another line, a click with the right mouse button closes the figure andends the procedure.Ellipse button: Creation of an ellipse in the profile diagram. Display of the area. First clicksets the center point, the displayed line permits the determination of the first dimension,second click sets the first dimension, the second dimension and rotation direction cannow be determined, third click sets the second dimension and direction and ends theprocedure.Circle button: Creation of a circle in the profile diagram. Display of radius and area.Clicking three times to define 3 points on the profile. A circle fit is automatically appliedon the profile.Recycle bin button: Deletes all drawing elements or the one just selected.Line width button: Change of the line width of the drawing elements.Color button: Clicking on the Color button opens a color selection box where the colorof the drawing element can be selected with a click of the mouse.x1- button: Resets the zoom factor of the profile diagram to its original size.