OPERATION IN EXPERT MODE LSM 510 DuoScanCarl Zeiss Acquire Menu LSM 510 META DuoScan4-70 B 45-0021 e 03/ Camera Detection PanelThe use of this function permits the use of a ZeissAxioCam (HRm, HRc MRm) camera as analternative external detector.• Click on the Config button in the Acquiresubordinate toolbar of the main menu.− The Configuration Control window opens.• Activate one of the Single Track or MultiTrack buttons and click on the Camera button.− The Beam Path and Channel Assignmentpanel for camera detection is opened.Control buttonsTV Menu for selecting a displaycolor for the camera image.Reflector Selects a beam splitter for theexcitation/emission.Add Track Adds a second track to theacquisition in Multi Trackmode, e.g. a differentfluorescence filter cube ortransmitted light.If TV and LSM tracks are mixed, the activedetection port of the microscope has tobe set according to the first track.Fig. 4-49 Configuration Control window;camera detecting activated