LSM 510 OPERATION IN EXPERT MODELSM 510 META Display and Analysis of Images Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 4-301First / Last• Click on the First button to calculate the topography surface by using the first slice coming from thetop, where the intensity reaches the value defined by the lower intensity threshold.This mode provides better result for surfaces of semitransparent materials with inclusions ofhigher reflectivity or transparent multilayers with subsurface layers of higher signal intensity.Extended First / Last Mode1. Definition of an intensity (I) threshold.2. Starting from top / bottom of a stack to find I = 400.3. Search of a local maximum one FWHM of actual Z PSF forwards / backwards.4. Search of the next local maximum one FWHM forwards / backwards from the last max until you havenot found any new local maximum.5. Last local maximum is taken as surface point.Fill Holes procedure• Intensity of a missing pixel of a hole has to be interpolated by the distance-weighted intensity of allsurrounding pixels.• Fill hole algorithm is optimized for short calculation times. Topography ThresholdsIntensity thresholdClick on the Intensity button to calculate the topography surface by using the lower and the upperintensity thresholds for image display. Use of this function is recommended to find the real surface in thecase of images with pronounced noise. All image pixels with intensity less or higher than the thresholdsset are ignored for the surface calculation.• Click on the Intensity button to select theintensity thresholds for the surface generation.The Intensity Threshold window appears.• Set the lower and upper intensity thresholdsusing the appropriate sliders.• Click on Close to close the IntensityThreshold window.Fig. 4-289 Intensity Threshold window