MULTIPHOTON LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPYLSM 510 META NLO Using the LSM 510 NLO direct coupled system Carl Zeiss03/06 B 45-0021 e 9-23Other molecules, such as salt crystals, can also focus light within tissues and intensify heating effects. Thiscan also lead to imaging artifacts, perhaps due to signal produced via second harmonic generation (SHG).In Fig. 9-9 Calcium Carbonate crystals in the inner ear of the frog have produced blotchy artifacts.A BFig. 9-9 Multiphoton image (A) and stack of images (B) of the frog otolith. Cells have beenfluorescently stained by soaking the freshly prepared specimen in FM164 (arrow). Signalproduced by the artifact is shown inside the circle. Sample courtesy of Bill Roberts, Universityof Oregon.The artifacts completely obscure the three-dimensional reconstruction shown in Fig. 9-8/B.This effect is not specific to Calcium Carbonate and has been seen in other samples, such as those withcrystals of salt from evaporated sea water (data not shown).