Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface173Power Transfer SettingsThe following are the factory-default transfer settings: The front panel Manual Transfer button is enabled. Automatic retransfer is enabled. Wait time prior to performing automatic retransfer is set to 15seconds. Perform automatic retransfer only when inlets are in phase.These default behaviors can be changed by modifying the followingfields.Field DescriptionName Customize the PX3TS device name.Allow Front PanelTransferEnable/disable the front panel ManualTransfer button.If the Manual Transfer button is disabled,the Manual Disabled indicator lamp on thefront panel is lit.Automatic Retransfer Three options are available.Never: Disable automatic retransfer.Always: Enable automatic retransfer andinlet phase synchronization is NOTrequired.Only if phases are in sync: Automaticretransfer is performed only when inletsare in sync.SeeAutomatic Retransfer (on page 82).Retransfer Wait Time Enter the time (seconds) preferred inletpower must be in the normal state beforeretransfer occurs.