Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface557Password Aging IntervalThis command determines how often the password should be changed.config:# security loginLimits passwordAgingInterval Variables: is a numeric value in days set for the password aginginterval. The interval ranges from 7 to 365 days.Idle TimeoutThis command determines how long a user can remain idle before thatuser is forced to log out of the PX3TS web interface or CLI.config:# security loginLimits idleTimeout Variables: is a numeric value in minutes set for the idle timeout. Thetimeout ranges from 1 to 1440 minutes (24 hours).User BlockingThere are different commands for changing different user blockingparameters. These commands begin with security userBlocking.You can combine multiple commands to modify the user blockingparameters at a time. SeeMulti-Command Syntax (on page 635).Determine the maximum number of failed logins before blockinga user:config:# security userBlocking maximumNumberOfFailedLogins Determine how long a user is blocked:config:# security userBlocking blockTime Variables: is an integer between 3 and 10, orunlimited, which sets nolimit on the maximum number of failed logins and thus disables theuser blocking function. is a numeric value ranging from 1 to 1440 minutes (oneday), orinfinite, which blocks the user all the time until the user isunblocked manually.