Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface597config:# authentication ldap add 389 openldap noneauthenticatedBind cn=Manager,dc=raritan,dc=com uid inetOrgPersonbindDN user@raritan.comb. The system prompts you to specify the bind DN password.c. Type the password and press Enter.d. Re-type the same password.Copying an Existing Server's SettingsIf the server that you will add completely shares the same settings withany server that has been configured, use the following command.Add an LDAP server by copying an existing server's settings:config:# authentication ldap addClone Variables: is the IP address or host name of the LDAP server. is the sequential number of the specified servershown on the server list of the PX3TS. SeeAuthentication Settings(on page 488).Modifying an Existing LDAP ServerYou can modify one or multiple parameters of an existing LDAP server,such as its IP address, TCP port number, Base DN and so on. Besides,you can also change the priority or sequence of existing LDAP servers inthe server list.Command syntax:A command to modify an existing LDAP server's settings looks like thefollowing:config:# authentication ldap modify "parameters"Variables: is the sequential number of the specified server in theLDAP server list. Replace "parameters" with one or multiple commands in thefollowing table, depending on which parameter(s) you want tomodify.A list of "parameters":