Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface213 To retrieve the exact data at a particular time, hover your mouseover the data line in the chart. Both the time and data aredisplayed as illustrated below.To configure this OCP's threshold settings:By default, upper thresholds of an OCP's RMS current have beenconfigured. SeeDefault Voltage and Current Thresholds (on page 769).You can modify them as needed.Note: The threshold values set for an individual OCP will override thebulk threshold values stored on that particular OCP. To configurethresholds for multiple OCPs at a time, see OCPs(on page 209).1. Click the Thresholds title bar at the bottom of the page to display thethreshold data.2. Click the RMS current sensor (required), and then click EditThresholds.3. Make changes as needed. To enable any threshold, select the corresponding checkbox.