Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface319Field/setting DescriptionType of RADIUSAuthenticationSelect an authentication protocol. PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) MS-CHAPv2 (Microsoft Challenge Handshake AuthenticationProtocol)CHAP is generally considered more secure because the user nameand password are encrypted, while in PAP they are transmitted in theclear.MS-CHAPv2 provides stronger security than the above two. Selectingthis option will support both MS-CHAPv1 and MS-CHAPv2.Authentication Port,Accounting PortThe default are standard ports -- 1812 and 1813.To use non-standard ports, type a new port number.Timeout This sets the maximum amount of time to establish contact with theRadius server before timing out.Type the timeout period in seconds.Retries Type the number of retries.Shared Secret,Confirm SharedSecretThe shared secret is necessary to protect communication with theRadius server.4. To verify if the authentication configuration is set correctly, click TestConnection to check whether the PX3TS can connect to the newserver successfully.Tip: You can also test the connection on the Authentication page afterfinishing adding servers. See Managing External AuthenticationSettings(on page 320).5. Click Add Server. The new Radius server is listed on theAuthentication page.6. To add more servers, repeat the same steps.7. In the Authentication Type field, select Radius. Otherwise, theRadius authentication does not work.8. Click Save. Radius authentication is now in place.