Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface463 Parity = None Flow control = NoneTip: For a USB connection, you can determine the COM port bychoosing Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager, andlocating the "Dominion PX2 Serial Console" under the Ports group.3. In the communications program, press Enter to send a carriagereturn to the PX3TS. The Username prompt appears.4. Type a name and press Enter. The name is case sensitive. Then youare prompted to enter a password.5. Type a password and press Enter. The password is case sensitive.After properly entering the password, the # or > system promptappears. SeeDifferent CLI Modes and Prompts (on page 465) in theUser Guide for more information.Tip: The "Last Login" information, including the date and time, isalso displayed if the same user account was used to log in to thisproduct's web interface or CLI.6. You are now logged in to the command line interface and can beginadministering the PX3TS.With SSH or TelnetYou can remotely log in to the command line interface (CLI) using an SSHor Telnet client, such as PuTTY.Note: PuTTY is a free program you can download from the Internet. SeePuTTY's documentation for details on configuration.To log in using SSH or Telnet:1. Ensure SSH or Telnet has been enabled. SeeConfiguring NetworkServices (on page 291) in the User Guide.2. Launch an SSH or Telnet client and open a console window. A loginprompt appears.3. Type a name and press Enter. The name is case sensitive.