Chapter 8: Using the Command Line Interface482Outlet Sensor Threshold InformationThis command syntax shows the specified outlet sensor'sthreshold-related information.# show sensor outlet To show detailed information, add the parameter "details" to the end ofthe command.# show sensor outlet detailsVariables: is the number of the outlet whose sensors you want to query. is one of the following sensor types:Sensor type Descriptioncurrent Current sensorvoltage Voltage sensoractivePower Active power sensorapparentPower Apparent power sensorpowerFactor Power factor sensoractiveEnergy Active energy sensorlineFrequency Line frequency sensorDisplayed information: Without the parameter "details," only the sensor reading, state,threshold, deassertion hysteresis and assertion timeout settings ofthe specified outlet sensor are displayed. With the parameter "details," more sensor information is displayed,including resolution and range. If the requested sensor type is not supported, the "Sensor is notavailable" message is displayed.