Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface272Field DescriptionDNS ResolverReferenceDetermine which IP address is used when theDNS resolver returns both IPv4 and IPv6addresses. IPv4 Address: Use the IPv4 addresses. IPv6 Address: Use the IPv6 addresses.DNS Suffixes(optional)Specify a DNS suffix name if needed.First/Second/ThirdDNS ServerManually specify static DNS server(s). If any static DNS server is specified in thesefields, it will override the DHCP-assigned DNSserver. If DHCP (or Automatic) is selected forIPv4/IPv6 settings, and there are NO staticDNS servers specified, the PX3TS will useDHCP-assigned DNS servers.IPv4/IPv6 Routes You need to configure these settings only whenyour local network contains two subnets, and youwant PX3TS to communicate with the othersubnet.If so, make sure IP forwarding has been enabledin your network, and then you can click 'AddRoute' to add static routes.SeeStatic Route Examples (on page 278).Ethernet Interface SettingsBy default the Ethernet interface on PX3TS or ETH1/ETH2 interface onPX3TS-iX7 is enabled.Enable Interface:Make sure the Ethernet interface is enabled, or all networking throughthis interface fails. This setting is available in the ETHERNET section, butnot available in the BRIDGE section.