Appendix I: Additional PX3TS Information779Bits per second = 115200 (115.2Kbps)Data bits = 8Stop bits = 1Parity = NoneFlow control = NoneTip: For a USB connection, you can determine the COM port bychoosing Control Panel > System > Hardware > Device Manager, andlocating the "Dominion PX2 Serial Console" under the Ports group.3.In the communications program, press Enter to send a carriagereturn to the PX3TS.4.The PX3TS prompts you to log in. Both user name and password arecase sensitive.a.Username:adminb.Password:raritan(or a new password if you have changed it).5.If prompted to change the default password, change or ignore it.To change it, follow onscreen instructions to type your newpassword.To ignore it, simply press Enter.6.The # prompt appears.7.Typeconfigand press Enter.8.To configure network settings, type appropriate commands andpress Enter. Refer to the following commands list. CLI commandsare case sensitive.9.After finishing the network settings, typeapplyto save changes. Toabort, typecancel.Commands for wired networking:The variable in the following commands is eitheripv4 oripv6,depending on the type of IP protocol you are configuring. Replace the variable with the word 'ethernet' when you are configuring thewired networking.General IP settings:To set orenableUse this commandIPv4 or IPv6protocolnetwork interface enabled true, orfalse