Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface3102. Click to navigate to the CA-signed certificate file.3. Click Upload to install it.4. To verify whether the certificate has been installed successfully,check the data shown in the Active SSL Certificate section.Creating a Self-Signed CertificateWhen appropriate certificate and key files for the PX3TS device areunavailable, the alternative, other than submitting a CSR to the CA, is togenerate a self-signed certificate.Note that you must enter information in the fields showing the message'required.'To create and install a self-signed certificate:1. Choose Device Settings > Security > SSL Certificate.2. Enter information.Field DescriptionCountry The country where your company is located. Use the standard ISOcountry code. For a list of ISO codes, visit theISO website( or Province The full name of the state or province where your company is located.Locality The city where your company is located.Organization The registered name of your company.Organizational Unit The name of your department.Common Name The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of your PX3TS device.Email Address An email address where you or another administrative user can bereached.Key Length Select an available key length (bits). A larger key length enhances thesecurity, but slows down the PX3TS device's response. Only 2048 is available now.Self Sign Ensure this checkbox is selected, which indicates that you arecreating a self-signed certificate.