Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface4254. Click Delete on the confirmation message.Backup and Restore of Device SettingsUnlike the bulk configuration file, the backup file contains ALL devicesettings, including device-specific data like device names and allnetwork settings. To back up or restore a PX3TS device's settings, youshould perform the Backup/Restore feature.All PX3TS information is captured in the plain-TEXT-formatted backupfile except for the device logs and TLS certificate.Note: To perform bulk configuration among multiple PX3TS devices, usethe Bulk Configuration feature instead. See Bulk Configuration(on page418).To download a backup PX3TS file:You must have the Administrator Privileges or "Unrestricted ViewPrivileges" to download a backup file.1. Choose Maintenance > Backup/Restore.2. Check the Backup Format field. If the chosen value does not matchyour need, change it.Option DescriptionEncrypted Partial content is base64 encoded. Its content is encrypted using the AES-128 encryptionalgorithm. The file is saved to the TXT formatCleartext Content is displayed in clear text. The file is saved to the TXT format.3. Click Download Device Settings. Save the file onto your computer.To restore the PX3TS using a backup file:You must have the Administrator Privileges to restore the devicesettings.1. Choose Maintenance > Backup/Restore.2. Click to select the backup file.3. Click 'Upload & Restore Device Settings' to upload the file. A message appears, prompting you to confirm the operation andenter the admin password.