Appendix J: Integration806Asset Management Strips and dcTrackIf any asset strips are connected to the PX3TS, the PX3TS can transmittheir information to Sunbird's dcTrack. All you have to do is to add thePX3TS to dcTrack, and also add each IT item where an asset tag isattached to dcTrack.Note: For instructions on connecting asset strips, see Connecting AssetManagement Strips(on page 63).If SNMP is enabled, event information can be transmitted to dcTrack.Specifically, Sunbird's Power IQ detects when an asset tag is connectedor disconnected from an asset strip. Power IQ then generates aconnection or disconnection event. When dcTrack polls Power IQ, theconnection/disconnection events are pulled into dcTrack, and displayedin the dcTrack Web Client.To poll and display asset management events in dcTrack The PX3TS that the asset strip is connected to must exist in dcTrack.EMX devices are identified as probes in dcTrack; Raritan PDUs areidentified as sensors. Each IT item connected to the asset strip via an asset tag must existin dcTrack.You do not need to manually enter the asset tag IDs for IT items thatalready exist in dcTrack as long as these items are in the Installedstatus.Simply, plug the item's asset tag into an asset strip that is connectedto the PX3TS that exists in dcTrack. dcTrack automatically assignsthe asset tag ID to the existing IT item.Note: If needed, the asset tag number can be overwritten.For more information on dcTrack as well as how asset strips work withdcTrack, contact Sunbird Professional Services and Support from the