Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface420Mechanical designs ignored by bulk configuration:When the source and target devices share the same technicalspecifications but are only different with any "mechanical designs" whichare indicated in the table below, the bulk configuration remains feasible.These mechanical designs are represented by suffixes added to themodel name of a PX3TS device. In the table,x represents a number. Forexample, Ax can be A1, A2, A3, and so on.Suffix Mechanical design ExampleAx The line cord's length in metersNote: For a PX2 or PX3 inline monitor,it is likely two Ax's are added to themodel name for indicating the lengthsof its inlets' and outlets' line cords.A20 = 3.3 metersBx The line cord's color B501 = bright redorangeCx Cord types or options C4 = power cordwith the standardgaugeDx Plug types or options D1 = IP67watertight plugEx Outlet types or options E2 =Locking C13orLocking C19Gx Controller options G0 = nocontrollerKx Chassis colors K6 = yellowLx The line cord's length in centimetersNx Chassis dimensions or othermechanical changesOx OCP brand optionsPx Special requests for device painting orprintingQx Special requests for physicalplacement arrangementsUx Different power plug brands