Chapter 6: Using the Web Interface257Field/setting DescriptionForce passwordchange on nextloginWhen selected, a password change requestautomatically appears when next time the userlogs in.For details, seeChanging Your Password (onpage 142).SSH:You need to enter the SSH public key only if the public key authenticationfor SSH is enabled. SeeChanging SSH Settings (on page 297).1. Open the SSH public key with a text editor.2. Copy and paste all content in the text editor into the SSH Public Keyfield.SNMPv3:The SNMPv3 access permission is disabled by default.Field/setting DescriptionEnable SNMPv3 Select this checkbox when intending to permit theSNMPv3 access by this user.Note: The SNMPv3 protocol must be enabled forSNMPv3 access. See Configuring SNMP Settings(on page 293).Security Level Click the field to select a preferred security levelfrom the list: None: No authentication and no privacy. This isthe default. Authentication: Authentication and no privacy. Authentication & Privacy: Authentication andprivacy. Authentication Password: This section is configurable only when'Authentication' or 'Authentication & Privacy' is selected.Field/setting DescriptionSame as UserPasswordSelect this checkbox if the authenticationpassword is identical to the user's password.To specify a different authentication password,disable the checkbox.