3-9GBEMU01688STARTING ENGINEWARNING@ Before starting the engine, make surethat the boat is tightly moored and thatyou can steer clear of any obstruc-tions. Be sure there are no swimmersin the water near you. When the air vent screw is loosened,gasoline (petrol) vapor will bereleased. Gasoline (petrol) is highlyflammable, and its vapors are flamma-ble and explosive. Refrain from smok-ing, and keep away from open flamesand sparks while loosening the airvent screw. This product emits exhaust gaseswhich contain carbon monoxide, a col-orless, odorless gas which may causebrain damage or death when inhaled.Symptoms include nausea, dizziness,and drowsiness. Keep cockpit andcabin areas well ventilated. Avoidblocking exhaust outlets.@1) If there is an air vent screw on the fueltank cap, loosen it 2 or 3 turns.2) If there is a fuel joint or a fuel cock onthe boat, firmly connect the fuel line tothe joint or open the fuel cock.3) Squeeze the primer bulb with the outletend up until you feel it become firm.