Chapter 9 Analog-to-Digital ConverterMC9S12ZVMB Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.3312 NXP Semiconductors9.5.2.9 ADC Error Interrupt Flag Register (ADCEIF)If one of the following error flags is set the ADC ceases operation:• IA_EIF• CMD_EIF• EOL_EIF• TRIG_EIFIn order to make the ADC operational again an ADC Soft-Reset must be issued which clears above listederror interrupt flags.The error interrupt flags RSTAR_EIF and LDOK_EIF do not cause the ADC to cease operation. If set theADC continues operation. Each of the two bits can be cleared by writing a value of 1’b1. Both bits are alsocleared if an ADC Soft-Reset is issued.All bits are cleared if bit ADC_EN is clear. Writing any flag with value 1’b0 does not clear a flag. Writingany flag with value 1’b1 does not set the flag.Read: AnytimeWrite:• Bits RSTAR_EIF and LDOK_EIF are writable anytime• Bits IA_EIF, CMD_EIF, EOL_EIF and TRIG_EIF are not writableModule Base + 0x00087 6 5 4 3 2 1 0R IA_EIF CMD_EIF EOL_EIF Reserved TRIG_EIF RSTAR_EIF LDOK_EIF 0WReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0= Unimplemented or ReservedFigure 9-12. ADC Error Interrupt Flag Register (ADCEIF)Table 9-14. ADCEIF Field DescriptionsField Description7IA_EIFIllegal Access Error Interrupt Flag — This flag indicates that storing the conversion result caused an illegalaccess error or conversion command loading from outside system RAM or NVM area occurred.The ADC ceases operation if this error flag is set (issue of type severe).0 No illegal access error occurred.1 An illegal access error occurred.6CMD_EIFCommand Value Error Interrupt Flag — This flag indicates that an invalid command is loaded (Any commandthat contains reserved bit settings) or illegal format setting selected (reserved SRES[2:0] bit settings).The ADC ceases operation if this error flag is set (issue of type severe).0 Valid conversion command loaded.1 Invalid conversion command loaded.5EOL_EIF“End Of List” Error Interrupt Flag — This flag indicates a missing “End Of List” command type in currentexecuted CSL.The ADC ceases operation if this error flag is set (issue of type severe).0 No “End Of List” error.1 “End Of List” command type missing in current executed CSL.