Chapter 1 Device Overview MC9S12ZVMB-FamilyMC9S12ZVMB Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.332 NXP Semiconductors1.7.2.1 RESET — External reset signalThe RESET signal is an active low bidirectional control signal. It acts as an input to initialize the MCU toa known start-up state, and an output when an internal MCU function causes a reset. The RESET pin hasan internal pull-up device. TEST — Test pinThis input only pin is reserved for factory test. This pin has an internal pull-down device.NOTEThe TEST pin must be tied to ground in all applications. MODC — Mode C signalThe MODC signal is used as an MCU operating mode select during reset. The state of this signal is latchedto the MODC bit at the rising edge of RESET. The signal has an internal pull-up device. PAD[8:0] / KWAD[8:0] — Port AD, input pins of ADCPAD[8:0] are general-purpose input or output signals. The signals can be configured on per signal basis asinterrupt inputs with wake-up capability (KWAD[8:0]). These signals can have a pull-up or pull-downdevice selected and enabled on per signal basis. During and out of reset the pull devices are disabled. PE[1:0] — Port E I/O signalsPE[1:0] are general-purpose input or output signals. The signals can have a pull-up or pull-down device,enabled by on a per pin basis. Out of reset the pull-down devices are enabled. PL[2:0] / KWL[2:0] — Port L input signalsPL[2:0] are the high voltage input signals. These signals can be configured on a per signal basis as interruptinputs with wake-up capability (KWL[2:0]). These signals can alternatively be used as analog inputsmeasured by the ADC. PP[1:0] / KWP[1:0] — Port P I/O signalsPP[1:0] are general-purpose input or output signals. The signals can be configured on per signal basis asinterrupt inputs with wake-up capability (KWP[1:0]). They can have a pull-up or pull-down deviceselected and enabled on per signal basis. During and out of reset the pull devices are disabled.The PP0 pin features the EVDD option, for an increased high-side current drive with low voltage drop. PT[7:0] — Port T I/O signalsPT[7:0] are general-purpose input or output signals. They can have a pull-up or pull-down device selectedand enabled on per signal basis. During and out of reset the pull devices are disabled.The PT2 pin features the NGPIO option, for an increased Low-side current drive with low voltage drop.