Virtual Leased Line Services126FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: service-mtuTable 54 service-mtu commandParameters service-id — The unique service identification number identifying the service in the servicedomain. This ID must be unique to this service and may not be used for any other service ofany type. The service-id must be the same number used for every ISAM on which this serviceis defined.Values: 1 — 2147483648customer customer-id — Specifies the customer ID number to be associated with the service.This parameter is required on service creation and optional for service editing or deleting.Values: 1 — 2147483647Item Description(2 of 2)Item DescriptionSyntax service-mtu octetsno service-mtuContext configure>service>epipeDescription This command configures the service payload (Maximum Transmission Unit – MTU), in bytes,for the service. This MTU value overrides the service-type default MTU. The service-mtudefines the payload capabilities of the service. It is used by the system to validate the SAP andSDP binding’s operational state within the service.The service MTU and a SAP’s service delineation encapsulation overhead (i.e., 4 bytes for adot1q tag) is used to derive the required MTU of the physical port on which the SAP wascreated. If the required payload is larger than the port MTU, then the SAP will be placed in aninoperative state. If the required MTU is equal to or less than the port MTU, the SAP will beable to transition to the operative state.When binding an SDP to a service, the service MTU is compared to the path MTU associatedwith the SDP. The path MTU can be administratively defined in the context of the SDP. Thedefault or administrative path MTU can be dynamically reduced due to the MTU capabilitiesdiscovered by the tunneling mechanism of the SDP or the egress interface MTU capabilitiesbased on the next hop in the tunnel path. If the service MTU is larger than the path MTU, theSDP binding for the service will be placed in an inoperative state. If the service MTU is equalto or less than the path MTU, then the SDP binding will be placed in an operational state.In the event that a service MTU, port MTU, or path MTU is dynamically or administrativelymodified, then all associated SAP and SDP binding operational states are automaticallyre-evaluated.The no form of this command returns the default service-mtu for the indicated service type tothe default value.Default 1514Parameters octets — The size of the MTU in octets, expressed as a decimal integer, between 1 — 9194.Table 55 lists MTU values for specific VC types.