Virtual Private Routed Network Service494FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: filterTable 488 filter command7.10.8.7 gre-tunnelTable 489 gre-tunnel commandItem DescriptionSyntax filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-idno filter [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]Context configure>service>vprn>interface>sap>egressconfigure>service>vprn>interface>sap>ingressDescription This command associates a IPv6 filter policy with an ingress or egress Service Access Point(SAP). Filter policies control the forwarding and dropping of packets based on the matchingcriteria.The filter command is used to associate a filter policy with a specified ip-filter-id with an ingressor egress SAP. The filter policy must already be defined before the filter command is executed.If the filter policy does not exist, the operation will fail and an error message returned.In general, filters applied to SAPs (ingress or egress) apply to all packets on the SAP. Oneexception is non-IP packets are not applied to the match criteria, so the default action in thefilter policy applies to these packets.The no form of this command removes any configured filter ID association with the SAP. Thefilter ID itself is not removed from the system unless the scope of the created filter is set to local.To avoid deletion of the filter ID and only break the association with the service object, usescope command within the filter definition to change the scope to local or global. The defaultscope of a filter is local.Parameters ipv6 — Keyword indicating the filter policy is an IPv6 filter.ipv6-filter-id — Specifies the IDv6 for the IP filter policy. Allowed values are an integer in therange of 1 and 65535 that corresponds to a previously created IP filter policy in theconfigure>filter>ip-filter context.Item DescriptionSyntax gre-tunnel gre-tunnel-name [to ip-address] [create]no gre-tunnel gre-tunnel-nameContext configure>service>interface>vprn>sap>gre-tunnelDescription This command defines a GRE tunnel and associates it with a private tunnel SAP within a VPRNservice. When the GRE tunnel is created the to keyword followed by the private address of theremote tunnel endpoint are mandatory.The no form of this command deletes the specified GRE tunnel from the configuration. Thetunnel must be administratively shutdown before issuing the no gre-tunnel command.Default no GRE tunnels are defined(1 of 2)