Services Overview76FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: 13• The same DHCPv6 PD is delegated to two different devicesDuplicate PD Alarm will be cleared in the following scenarios:• When the received IGP route is withdrawn by the IGP routing protocol• When the lease time for a DHCPv6 PD entry expires• When the device goes offline• When an administrator manually clears an alarm by clearing the DHCPv6lease-state entry using the CLI command provided.Command: clear service id dhcp6 lease-state3.16 Global Services Command Reference3.16.1 Command Hierarchies• Customer Management Commands• Ethernet CFM Global Commands• Ethernet Ring Global Commands• Show Commands• ToolsNote — In this scenario, the PD is not delegated to the seconddevice, since it is considered to be an invalid delegation.Note 1 — For offline notification to be processed properly, it isexpected that prefix-stability is enabled in the relevantinterface.Note 2 — DPOE offline notification will be sent to IHUB throughSNMP, and therefore SNMP context "ihub" must be configuredin Core-0.Note 3 — When a route is received from more than one IGProuting protocol, an alarm will be generated when an IGP routeis received, and cleared when an IGP route is withdrawn.