Virtual Private Routed Network Service444FD 100/320Gbps NT and FX NT IHub Services Guide3HH-11985-AAAA-TQZZA Issue: 13— timers update timeout flush— no timers— [no] neighbor ip-int-name— authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash2]— no authentication-key— authentication-type {none | password | message-digest}— no authentication-type— check-zero {enable | disable}— no check-zero— description description-string— no description— export policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]— no export— import policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]— no import— message-size max-num-of-routes— no message-size— metric-in metric— no metric-in— metric-out metric— no metric-out— preference preference— no preference— receive receive-type— no receive— send send-type— no send— [no] shutdown— split-horizon {enable | disable}— no split-horizon— timers update timeout flush— no timers— import policy-name [policy-name... (up to 5 max)]— no import— message-size max-num-of-routes— no message-size— metric-in metric— no metric-in— metric-out metric— no metric-out— preference preference— no preference— receive receive-type— no receive— send send-type— no send— [no] shutdown— split-horizon {enable | disable}— no split-horizon— timers update timeout flush— no timers7.9.1.7 Show Commandsshow— service— id service-id— all— arp [ip-address]|[mac ieee-address]|[sap sap-id]|[interface ip-int-name][summary]— base— bgp-ad— bgp-vpls— dhcp— statistics [sap sap-id]— statistics [interface interface-name]— lease-state [sap sap-id | interface interface-name | ip-address ip-address[/mask] |chaddr ieee-address| mac ieee-address | {[port port-id]}] [detail]— summary— dhcp6